Norder Blog


Have you tried foliar products?  Have you had success? Foliar applied nutrients have a lot of plant benefits; however application timing and plant need will ultimately determine their impact. Foliar…


What is the right soybean trait for your farm? Almost a decade has passed since the Roundup Ready herbicide trait dominated over ninety percent of the soybeans grown in the…

Nitrogen Stabilizers in 2022

With a sharp increase in demand and restricted supply, customers are facing 2022 nitrogen fertilizer prices that are 3 to 4 times higher than 2021.  Now more than ever we…

Fungicide on Soybeans

The reasons for using a fungicide on corn or soybeans are exactly the same, to stop disease and promote plant health. Any leaf infected with disease spots will have its…

Fungicide on Corn

The ideal time to apply a fungicide to corn to achieve maximum yield response and optimum disease control is the short window between tassel emergence (VT) and blister stage (R2). …

Corn Tissue Sampling

Is tissue analysis beneficial? If so, how often should samples be collected? For tissue analysis to provide real insight about plant growth, the samples must be collected multiple times throughout…

Corn Stand Evaluations

Confirming your plant population is an important step in achieving optimal yields.  When taking stand counts we evaluate emergence, spacing, and seed depth. Stand counts should be taken shortly after…

Management for Wheat at Flag Leaf

Tan spot, stripe rust and powdery mildew are common fungal diseases of wheat.  Stripe rust can cause significant yield losses when left untreated and conditions are right for disease to…

Optimum Soybean Planting Population

Advancements in seed treatment technology and seed genetics have allowed producers to reduce soybean planting populations over time, while still maximizing yields.  Norder Supply agronomists assist with soybean variety placement…

Starter Fertilizer Advantages

Norder Supply assists growers in achieving maximum net return per acre with fertility recommendations and thorough evaluation of yield increasing products including starter fertilizers.  Advantages to starter fertilizer use is…