Norder Blog


What is the right soybean trait for your farm? Almost a decade has passed since the Roundup Ready herbicide trait dominated over ninety percent of the soybeans grown in the…

Corn Stand Evaluations

Confirming your plant population is an important step in achieving optimal yields.  When taking stand counts we evaluate emergence, spacing, and seed depth. Stand counts should be taken shortly after…

Optimum Soybean Planting Population

Advancements in seed treatment technology and seed genetics have allowed producers to reduce soybean planting populations over time, while still maximizing yields.  Norder Supply agronomists assist with soybean variety placement…

Optimizing Corn Plant Population

Corn yields have improved with advancements in seed genetics.  New hybrids handle environmental stresses while utilizing water, nitrogen and other crop nutrients more efficiently. Achieving higher corn yields requires an…

Fertilizer Root Injury

Norder Supply agronomists have been coming across numerous cornfields exhibiting early signs of fertilizer root injury.  This type of injury begins to show up typically in the V1 to V2…

Cold Soil Planting

Planting in cold soil can cause chilling injury to the seed, and lead to germination and stand establishment problems. Norder Supply agronomists maximize net return per acre for our customers…