
Local FFA Chapter Participates in Corn Disease Image Contest with The Climate Corporation For Hands-On Digital Agriculture Experience

The Bruning-Davenport FFA Chapter participated in a contest facilitated by The Climate Corporation, a subsidiary of Monsanto Company, for an educational, in-field experience to help students understand the positive impact of transformative, digital technologies in agriculture.

As part of the contest, students engaged local farmers, agronomists and retailers to scout fields, indicate disease presence and learn about the challenging agronomic impacts of corn diseases. Students recorded their findings using The Climate Corporation’s industry-leading Climate FieldViewTM digital agriculture platform.

“Digital Ag is relatively new and exciting.  This contest was a great opportunity for our future farmers to experience Climate FieldViewTM and learn about plant diseases through scouting fields over the course of the summer,” said Tony Norder, Norder Supply’s Spot On Scripts Lead

FFA students and chapters formally enrolled in Climate’s Corn Disease Image Contest used the Climate FieldViewTM app to capture and submit photos of corn diseases from fields in their geography.  As a result of the photos submitted by the Bruning-Davenport FFA chapter, they received a five hundred dollar cash prize presented by Larry Schroeder, Climate Business Manager and the Norder Supply Spot On Scripts team.

To learn more about the Climate FieldView™ platform, contact your Norder Supply agronomist or visit