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Foliar Nutrients For High Yield Management

Have you tried foliar products?  Have you had success? Foliar applied nutrients have a lot of plant benefits; however application timing and plant need will ultimately determine their impact. Foliar products address nutrient deficiencies. They also stimulate plant growth, help plants recover from injury, and protect plants against environmental stresses. Foliar Nitrogen applied during reproductive […]

Soybean Herbicide Traits

What is the right soybean trait for your farm? Almost a decade has passed since the Roundup Ready herbicide trait dominated over ninety percent of the soybeans grown in the United States, without any real competitor to enter the market.  As weeds became tougher to control, it was obvious that different herbicide modes of action […]

Nitrogen Stabilizers in 2022

With a sharp increase in demand and restricted supply, customers are facing 2022 nitrogen fertilizer prices that are 3 to 4 times higher than 2021.  Now more than ever we need to maximize the impact of our nitrogen.  Nitrogen stabilizers help protect your fertilizer investment by preventing nitrogen loss to the environment, and allowing for […]

Fungicide on Soybeans

The reasons for using a fungicide on corn or soybeans are exactly the same, to stop disease and promote plant health. Any leaf infected with disease spots will have its ability to work at peak efficiency reduced, and plants must stay healthy to maximize yield. In areas affected by White Mold and Scleortinia Stem Rot, […]

Fungicide on Corn

The ideal time to apply a fungicide to corn to achieve maximum yield response and optimum disease control is the short window between tassel emergence (VT) and blister stage (R2).  Though most fungicides applied on tasseled corn include both curative and preventative active ingredients, fungicides are far more effective at preventing disease infection than they […]

Corn Tissue Sampling

Is tissue analysis beneficial? If so, how often should samples be collected? For tissue analysis to provide real insight about plant growth, the samples must be collected multiple times throughout the season, and across multiple sites within the field each time, to provide a representative sample. The agronomists at Norder Supply can assist with tissue […]

Corn Stand Evaluations

Confirming your plant population is an important step in achieving optimal yields.  When taking stand counts we evaluate emergence, spacing, and seed depth. Stand counts should be taken shortly after plant emergence, and replant decisions should be made quickly when necessary.  The agronomists at Norder Supply work with you to evaluate stand counts, and make […]

Management for Wheat at Flag Leaf

Tan spot, stripe rust and powdery mildew are common fungal diseases of wheat.  Stripe rust can cause significant yield losses when left untreated and conditions are right for disease to thrive. When inspecting the wheat, look at the top 2-3 leaves for developing disease lesions.  Focus your attention on the upper plant leaves, since lower […]

Optimum Soybean Planting Population

Advancements in seed treatment technology and seed genetics have allowed producers to reduce soybean planting populations over time, while still maximizing yields.  Norder Supply agronomists assist with soybean variety placement and recommend seed treatments, customized for each grower to achieve maximum net return per acre. Seed treatments protect germinating seeds from fungus and insects, and […]

Optimizing Corn Plant Population

Corn yields have improved with advancements in seed genetics.  New hybrids handle environmental stresses while utilizing water, nitrogen and other crop nutrients more efficiently. Achieving higher corn yields requires an increase in the number of corn kernels per acre and/or an increase in weight of each kernel of corn.  Improved corn genetics and better understanding […]