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Starter Fertilizer Advantages

Norder Supply assists growers in achieving maximum net return per acre with fertility recommendations and thorough evaluation of yield increasing products including starter fertilizers.  Advantages to starter fertilizer use is often visual, including faster early growth and dry matter accumulation.  This means quicker development of crop canopy, earlier pollination and maturity, and usually a 0.5 […]

Nitrogen Stabilizers

Nitrogen is the most essential nutrient for all plants, and aside from legume species that can fixate nitrogen, most crops will require annual fertilization.  Nitrogen stabilizers help protect your fertilizer investment by preventing nitrogen loss to the environment, and allowing for better access to nitrogen for growing plants. Nitrogen has multiple pathways in which it […]

Nitrogen Soil Sampling

A common method to determine nitrogen fertilizer needs is to use the nitrate result from the soil test in an equation to calculate your nitrogen requirement for corn.  Most equations will require an expected yield goal, a nitrogen factor, and then subtraction of nitrogen credits, which would include your soil test nitrate nitrogen.  An example […]

Final Irrigation of the Season

Having the soil dry at harvest not only saves money, but can be beneficial to soil conditions by reducing compaction from heavy equipment.  Crop water usage decreases a little bit each day the last month before maturity, but August and September can still have some very hot days and shorting plants water too soon can […]

Spider Mites

Spider mites are a seasonal pest that will commonly infest corn, but can also infest soybean fields when the weather is favorable for mite population increases and survival. Spider mites feed by sucking plant juices from the leaves, which will discolor and damage the infested leaf.  Yield reductions can occur when spider mite colonies progress […]

Corn Ear Damaging Pests

When tassels emerge we think about applying fungicides for corn disease management, but we must also be aware of yield robbing pests that attack the ear around the same time. Corn earworm (CEW) and western bean cutworm (WBC) are two species of Lepidoptera that damage corn ears in a very similar way, yet economic thresholds […]

Early Season Irrigation

Moisture stress early in the season has very little impact on yields when compared to similar stress during pollination and grain fill periods.  Slightly dry, non-restrictive soil conditions can be favorable for deeper root development. When we see these brief periods of stress early but conditions are still favorable for plant growth, irrigation is not […]

Thistle Caterpillars

Thistle caterpillars are the larval stage of the painted lady butterfly, and were a very big deal in Nebraska soybean fields in 2019.  Fast forward to June 2020, and thistle caterpillars are starting to appear in soybean fields again, but it is too early to tell if thistle caterpillars will be as significant of a […]

Fertilizer Root Injury

Norder Supply agronomists have been coming across numerous cornfields exhibiting early signs of fertilizer root injury.  This type of injury begins to show up typically in the V1 to V2 growth stage on corn planted over a concentrated fertilizer band, and soil conditions are abnormally dry after planting.  Fertilizer injury is most common on strip […]

Herbicide Residual Activation

Rain or irrigation is necessary to activate herbicide residual and provide best weed control. Proper management of herbicides is a way Norder Supply agronomists help our customers maximize net return per acre. For herbicides to provide residual weed control, they will need incorporation into the soil with rainfall or irrigation. When possible, apply an irrigation […]