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How Much Nitrogen Should I Apply?

Soil sample testing for Nitrogen is very important.  When you soil test, you receive an analysis report in which nitrates are reported as part per million and pounds per acre.  The ppm is the concentration of the sample received and the pounds per acre is a calculated from the ppm and the depth of sample.  […]

Do Biological Products Work?

The last few years we have seen an influx to the ag retail market of products classified as Yield Enhancing.  We have also experienced a rise in Biological products.  Yield enhancing products will contain biologicals, but this category also contains traditional fertilizers and seed treatments.  The significant increase in biological products recently may be because […]

What information can a soil test provide?

Farmers understand the importance of routine soil sampling and receiving quality soil fertility recommendations from their trusted advisors. Many farmers rely heavily on their agronomist to interpret a soil test and create fertilizer recommendations due to the complexity of the analysis report. The basic purpose of a soil test is to provide an estimate of plant […]

Fair Price & Same Price Are Not Always The Same Thing

Currently, we are knee deep in the crop protection pre-pay season.  Twitter is a great platform to gauge customers’ opinions, as they share about their positive and not so positive experiences.  Customers want to reduce input costs while not sacrificing yields and manufactures attempt to extract as much value as possible for their products they […]

Local FFA Chapter Participates in Corn Disease Image Contest with The Climate Corporation For Hands-On Digital Agriculture Experience

The Bruning-Davenport FFA Chapter participated in a contest facilitated by The Climate Corporation, a subsidiary of Monsanto Company, for an educational, in-field experience to help students understand the positive impact of transformative, digital technologies in agriculture. As part of the contest, students engaged local farmers, agronomists and retailers to scout fields, indicate disease presence and […]

Is there a hole in your precision ag bucket?

Most precision ag platforms focus on the basics of crop production, creating site-specific recommendations and variable rate prescriptions for seed and fertilizer, but few focus on water management.  If you have been managing your seed, crop protection, and fertilizer with precision ag but feel you are still not optimizing your fields full potential, proper water […]

The High Cost of a Cheap Grid Sample

Grid soil sampling has become common practice among farmers across the Midwest.  Growers have witnessed the results first-hand how a grid soil sample increases yields and positions crop nutrients in the right areas of the field to maximize their fertilizer inputs.  Even though grid sampling provides positive results year after year, many producers elect to […]

Is Grid Sampling Out-Dated?

Yield data collection hardware is common in most combines on today’s farms. Growers and agronomists have started to use this combine collected data to develop management zones and soil sample accordingly. This reduces the cost of labor and number of samples requiring analysis, while trying to place fertilizer in the correct spots within a field. […]

How Will We Control Resistant Weeds in the Future?

In 2016, weed control was a challenge. Farmers, consultants and applicators had to use the kitchen sink approach to manage weeds and still ended up with poor results. We are all aware that glyphosate resistant weeds have been present in our corn and soybean fields for some time now. There have been a handful of […]

When to use Site Specific Management and Variable Rate Technology

All fields have some variability, apparent each fall after harvest when we look at yield maps from the data collected by the combine. Agriculture has changed a lot over the past couple of decades with the advancement of new tools and equipment to help farmers manage this variability. Yield monitoring equipment was the first evolution […]